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Finding light in the darkness of child loss

What if there was a way...


  • to live a purposeful life while you carry your grief?

  • to move beyond the devastation, beyond the fear, and beyond anger and guilt?

  • to cope in a way that allows you to honour your child?​



My approach to loss is different

I believe in  honouring your unique journey and your child's legacy while offering gentle support. Together, we’ll find ways to carry both your love and your loss with grace.


Katie and grieving mother and her daughter

 Hi, I'm Lisa. I'm a an Angel Mom.

​I'm also a certified grief educator, author, mentor,

and podcaster.


 I offer gentle guidance and support to grieving moms as they navigate their way through child loss.

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Angel moms podcast cover art
Free grief resource
grief book

As featured on:

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Open to Hope logo
healing with aloha podcast thumbnail.png
Grief to grit podcast
Always Any's Mom podcast
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The selfish griever podcast
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